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APT game
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What’s the APT drinking game?
Recently, the song ‘APT’ sung by singers Rosé and Bruno Mars has become popular around the world. Rosé Shinguk Apartment is said to be a song inspired by the game ‘Apartment’, which is often played by people in their 20s and 30s in Korea.
As Rosé Shinguk Apartment becomes widely known around the world, interest in apartment drinking games is also increasing significantly in Korea. From now on, if you are in your 20s and 30s at a drinking party and don’t know how to play the apartment game, you may look unfashionable, so make sure you know how to play the apartment drinking game in this article.
How to Play the APT(Apartment) Drinking Game
The APT drinking game begins with a simple random game selection. “Rosé’s favorite random game! Random game! Game start!”
As in the first lyrics of Rosé’s new song APT, the random game is initiated by shouting the name of the person who will choose the game. That person then selects the game they want to play.
If you want to play the APT drinking game, simply choose it. Once selected, participants wave their hands in a zigzag motion while chanting:
Then, like cheering a sports team, everyone brings their hands together in the center.
This gesture is repeated in Rosé’s APT music video, so check it out for reference.
Important Rules
- If the host claps with one hand, participants must also clap with one hand. If the host claps with both hands, participants must do the same.
- If the host claps with both hands but a participant only claps with one, the participant breaks the rule and loses the game. Losing frequently can lead to getting drunk quickly, so always watch the host’s hands closely at the start of the game.
Once all hands are together, the host announces the desired floor number. Participants then take turns raising their hands, one by one, to increase the floor number. The person whose hand movement corresponds to the host’s announced floor number must drink.
Pro Tip
If the host announces a floor number of (number of participants x 2) + 1, the person with their hand at the bottom will always lose. For example, if five people are playing and the host calls the 11th floor, the person with their hand at the bottom is guaranteed to lose.
This means the host can strategically choose who gets the penalty. To avoid being the one penalized, be quick to place your hands so they are not at the bottom when the APT game is selected during a random game round.